The Over-world has a day/night cycle, there is a 20 minutes integer from one sun rise to following one. This circuit changes the light levels, the colour of the skyline and the response of mobs to players and their spawning. The post is delivered in chronological order to put emphasis on the clarity of the routine cycle.
Bear in mind a factor of this is also the difficulty set, numerous mobs will spawn if the user has put the difficulty to hard or normal, whereas a setting of easy or peaceful would correspond to less challenging mobs to vanquish/play against.
Players endure daytime for about 10 minutes, night approximately 7 minutes and both dusk and the break of dawn about 3 minutes collectively. A whole day equates to 1200 seconds of game-play if you're counting each stage, that's 20 minutes.
Dawn - the sun rises from the east, gradually emitting more light as it completes the transition to the morning. The sun starts out with a larger size then it slowly shrinks as the world awakens.
The sky around the sun emits a dull orange/yellowish light which eases into the softer light blue. Due to the weak light level at this stage, all mobs are able to spawn if their individual requirements are met. Though, skeletons and zombies are vulnerable to catching fire and flee for water or shade so they don't disintegrate/burn to until they're no more than rubble/ashes.
Daytime - during daytime the sun can be seen in a light blue sky, emitting a light level of 15 when at mid-day. Any passive mob can spawn, hostile mobs can and will only spawn in dark areas, like caves. The game's sun rays projects light for living things to grow (plants and trees). This is when wildlife gets it's most notable amounts of natural light, right before the latter parts of the evening, when the sun's at its peak.
The enderman and spider (entities) become neutral in the day, unless a spider has already acted as an aggressor, then it stay as an antagonist. These mobs will no longer intend to attack you in this period of the day and are likely to de-spawn whilst the afternoon prolongs. Skeletons and zombies alike remain hostile and are liable to burning amid the heat being exposed onto them, they will have a health reduction when they burn.
Dusk - the sun sets in the west and protrudes, over the lands, into the distance. At this point, the light level shifts down, decreasing from 15 to a meager 4. A faint grayish blue is witnessed circling the sun that has switched to an almost transparent white with tinges of dark blue to accompany it. The atmosphere now contrast with torchlight and the skies are darkened, although someone had clicked the off button on a light-bulb.
Players can rest in their beds now, though this may be not be permissible if mobs have gathered within 10 blocks of your bed, so you can't depart just yet. Creatures have access to spawn near your settlement if their spawning requirements give them allowance.
Nighttime - The moon gives a reading of light level 4. The mobs are attracted to light sources now during the nighttime as they accumulate close by. Hoards of mobs are loosely arranged over fields and every conceivable Over-world environment, spawning pretty much anywhere. The hostility of the mobs is cranked up and it's advisory to say indoors to preserve your disproportionate safety of a shelter in comparison to the outdoors.
Players have the chance to sleep, whenever the night is upon them, resting in a bed means they will wake to the next day, skipping the restless nighttime curfew.
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